2818 Starting Lamb Buffet
When lambs are reaching an age where introduction to grain is necessary this lamb starter steps up to the plate to maximize early potential. Formulated for palatability and performance this feed will stimulate early rumenation, while promoting growth and development in lambs as young as 7 days of age.
2817 Lamb Accela-Boost
This lamb feed is a maximum performance grower-developer feed. With its diverse combination proteins and fats, it maximizes the growth potential in developing lambs while buffering the rumen to reduce the risk of acidosis.
2816 Lamb Buffet
This lamb feed is designed to be used as a grower feed with the ability to promote finishing condition in market lambs. With diverse proteins and fats, it maximizes digestibility for growth performance while buffering the rumen to reduce the risk of acidosis.
2826 Ewe Buffet
This ewe feed is designed to be used in every stage of production. Designed with 16% minimum protein and available fats this feed provides the nutrition necessary to maintain breeding flock condition, raise flock replacements, promote fertility, and provide the nutrients needed for lactation.
2828 Lactating Ewe Buffet
This is a ewe feed specifically designed for production ewes during lactation. Through its unique formulation it will provide optimal protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals levels to promote milk production while maintaining body condition.